Although the post-exam period can be such a relief for many students, it is OK to feel anxious, lost or experience feelings of low mood. Don't be too hard on yourself - allow yourself to celebrate and have fun now that you have completed your exams!

Here are some tips on how to overcome this feeling and to prepare yourself for a wonderful summer :)

Put away all of your exam and revision notes

Exams are over, so clean your desk and make your room feel like an exam-free space. This will help to clear your mind and help you to stop dwelling on what you wrote in your answers. Tidy space, tidy mind!

Take a minute

The past few months have been a stressful time for you; take a breather and congratulate yourself on such a big achievement! You definitely deserve a break after an intense term, so make sure that you get some rest, relax and enjoy the summer! 

If you’re going back to school or starting university in September, then try to do a little bit of brain activity each week; whether it’s reading, learning some vocabulary for a language or researching your new subject. Although you definitely need a break, it’s important to keep your brain ticking over too :)

Take up a hobby

To occupy some of your free time this summer, maybe try to take up a hobby or learn a new skill. Not only is it a great way to de-stress, but it is also an opportunity to meet people and learn something new. Perhaps you want to learn a new language, or it could be something that you used to do or something that you’ve always wanted to try… now’s the time to do it!

Talk to those around you

Remember, you aren't alone and your teachers, friends and family are there for you. Your friends may be feeling the same way that you are, your parents may have been in the same boat after they did their exams and your teachers understand and are there to give you advice if you need it. 


It can be easy to feel anxious whilst waiting for your results, but, remember, you have already achieved so much and you worked as hard as you could! Think about what you did well, be proud of how far you have come and be sure to celebrate with your friends and family!

You have done everything that you can now, so take your mind off the past few weeks by doing the things that you love and by thinking about what you’ve got to look forward to :) Perhaps you’re going to college in September, starting an apprenticeship, doing A-levels, going to university or taking a gap year; whatever it is, there is so much to be excited for! We are proud of you :)
